Wednesday, November 29, 2006

Discussion Post #2

You are an elementary school teacher who is beginning a lesson on the solar system. You want to get the students interested in the topic before you start your introduction. Pose a question to the class that will help generate discussion and cause the students to begin actively thinking about the topic.


Lyndsey said...

I would write the names of some planets in the Solar System on the black board. Then, I would ask "Can anyone tell me what Mercury, Earth, Saturn, and Jupiter are?" or "Can anyone name another planet not listed on the board?"

Hmmmm..Should I put Pluto on the board or not? :)

SarahP said...

I would try to capture their attention by asking a question that doesn't necessarily have a specific answer, but gets the students thinking. Example: "Have you ever thought of what is beyond the sky?"

Jennifer said...

I would agree, asking a broad question seems like a good way to get a class thinking. A question could be "When can you only see a few planets in the sky at a time?" For a middle or high school class this should produce a good discussion on the mechanics of the sky.

Reiley said...

I think a question that would bring out discussion is "During the daytime, are the stars and moon still up in the sky?"

I know that it isn't an open-ended question, but I think most kids would have some opinion on this and asking them "why?" as a follow-up could be a great start for a discussion.

Andrew Prellwitz said...

I think I would try to focus their attention first on the planet they know best. I'd ask them something to the effect of... "What about the planet Earth is special?"

Kathryne said...

I would probably start by asking, "Who can tell me the name of one of the planets in our solar system?" Start with a basic question that they can answer and then build up.